10 fun-yet-totally-irrelevant-facts about me
Remember when the "25 random things" game circulated on Facebook back in the day? Someone should really get that started again. Who doesn't love to read how weird their friends are or have permission to tell the world how weird they are? I thought it might be prudent to revisit the one I wrote in 2009, to help inspire this "10 fun-yet-totally-irrelevant-facts about me" list. I particularly enjoyed number two on the list... "How I should decorate my condo keeps me up at night." I feel like we've come full circle.Ok, on to the 10 fun-yet-totally-irrelevant-facts about me...1) I play roller derby. Yes, the sport in the movie 'Whip It'. Yes, it's very rough. And yes, I'm pretty much always bruised or injured (refer to #5). Update: I've since retire roller derby, read my farewell letter here.(And a big fat yes, it's totally worth it)2) Growing up, I often I rearranged the furniture in my room. I guess I wanted to mix things up and keep things interesting, that or maybe my chi was off.(Yep, floor plans are my jam.)3) I’m a mom…to two cats. Unlike most mothers I’m not afraid to say I most definitely love one more than the other.(Spoiler Alert: These cats are fat, we're working on it).
Seriously, isn't Leo just the freaken' cutest, wook at his wittle face!
Oh and here's Micro.4) I have a titanium rod in my tibia (refer to #1), and metal plates in my jaw (orthodontics). I'm pretty much bionic.(Hmmm....orange really is the new black.)
5) I’m 36, and I've decided it's time to follow my passion. So, I've walked away from a 10+ year marketing career to pursue interior design/decorating.(Side note, I started out 2016 getting ID'd at the liquor store, so I'm pretty sure that means it's going to be a glorious year.)6) I had a couple claims to fames growing up. a) My father is an artist, anytime I met new people and told them my name, I would get “oh, is your dad the famous artist?” b) The portrait my dad drew of me on a tricycle eating French fries in the Chatham McDonald’s.(If you clicked to my dad's website, then you noticed we share the same name. It made for some awkward phone calls from boys growing up #notlovingit.)
7) I grew up in an old school house. My parents designed and renovated themselves. In my early years it was also an art gallery, people would randomly drop by to browse art. My father also had art exhibitions at our house, which meant lots and lots of strangers milling about my house looking at art.(Come to think of it, this house was also my claim to fame, "Ohhhh, are you the one who lives in the old school house?)8) I've been in Canadian People Magazine. Ok, not so much me, but my feet. I used to work for a weight loss company, small budgets equals foot modelling debut.(Yes, I needed a pedicure, small budget, remember?)
9) Over the last few years people have been telling me I should be an interior designer. I always known that I love interior design (as my ever growing book collection and obsession with floor plans keeps reminding me). So, here I am.(Thanks life for always having a way of leading me to where I'm supposed to be.)10) Je parle français. (Key word “parle”. I can't "écrit" it to save my life - I had to look that one up, I suspect it's still not right, my mom will let me know.)So there you have it, as promised, all completely fun-yet-irrelevant-facts about me. Feel free to comment with some fun facts about yourself!Photo Credits (derby photos): Paul Devisser, Ashlea Wessel