Ep 8: Three tips for styling bookshelves and a project reveal!
Today I'm giving three tips to help you style shelves, plus, I've got another project reveal for ya and some other fun stuff of course. Have a watch here, and keep reading below for additional information!
What's new, yo!
I've been doing a lot of finishing touches packages for clients, which is where I come in and assess the rooms needs and shop till I drop (almost literally), and then go in for a day of styling. After doing these a bunch of times, I realized that carrying a bunch of HEAVY bags is not a good time. it was time to recruit some help, and I wish that meant an assistant (#goals). What it actually meant was that it was time to channel my old lady with this bad boy.Yep. I my pal here came with me to Yorkdale Mall and didn't care about any weird looks. I'll be honest though, even this thing couldn't save me. I had to do three trips to the car!
I'm gettin' mindful!
I've been really trying to work on mindfulness. My mind is basically ALWAYS racing (which is quite normal I'm told, apparently we have about 50,000-70,000 per day, crazy right!?). A client of mine told me about this nine-week program that changed her life. It helps you work on stress and get in better touch with yourself! You can learn about it here.(PS The book we're reading in this program that I couldn't remember is 'Full Catastrophe Living' - how's that for a name?)
Another project reveal!
I also revealed another project which I'm super excited about! Read more about it here.
Homie Tip
"If you wouldn't buy it today, then don't keep it. Love everything in your house. It should all bring you joy. And yes, we all have better halves who won't let us get rid of stuff, but chip chip chip, you can eventually chip away at that rock.”- Our homie, Lynda B.
Homie Q&A (become a homie here)
The first question I answer comes from Allison..."Hey homies ! Looking for a large mirror maybe ? Any ideas ? Drop photos below! Thanks !"One of our homies actually suggested not using a mirror here and instead creating a gallery wall. And I tend to agree, I would instead hang large art above the couch. What's difficult in this layout is that the couch is tight to the wall on one side, making it impossible to centre art above the couch without if feeling off. What I suggest is hanging art centred to the wall and finding a side table and lamp (space permitting) to help make the art seem centred to the furnishings below. These photos help visually show what I mean (images from Pinterest).
The second question comes from Julie, and she asks..."What you you put in built-in bookcases for them to look up to date?"I love styling bookshelves! It is definitely an art though, for a detailed explanation on how to approach shelf styling watch the video above and fast forward to 29:09 to get right to it. :)
Other links referenced in this video
- Episode 2 is the episode where I discuss accent walls :)
- Click here to read my blog about my favourite products from IKEA's 2017 catalogue
- The mug I was sporting is from IQ Living on the Danforth
- The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up