Ep 10: How to determine and define your style

Well, I've hit a milestone, peeps! This is my 10th episode, and I'm pretty damn pumped because I can only imagine things are going to get better and better as I iron out the kinks (how many times can I accidentally go live on my personal page?!), and continue to work on making this weekly show more entertaining and informative. This week we're talking about how to determine and define your style! This is a common question I get asked often and it's so important to do before you start filling your room with the "stuff".

(This video is recorded from a Facebook LIVE session)In this episode, I talk about:

  • How my championship roller derby game went down
  • Why I’m mad at UPS
  • My online shop? (did you know I had one?)
  • How to determine and define your style

Why you should determine and name your style

  • So your home feels like you!
  • It’ll help with decisions – the reality is you’re going to love a lot of things, but you need to know when to say no and when to keep walking, if you understand your style and
  • It’ll help you declutter and purge!

The style wheelSo most people don’t actually know what styles exist! Emily Henderson’s book “Styled” (which I highly recommend), has an amazing tool she calls the Style Wheel, which is a lot like the colour wheel.The wheel helps you determine which styles will work well together when you inevitably realize you are drawn to more than one (most people generally like 2-3 styles).The best way to do this without your space looking a hot mess, is to ensure that the styles you select are complimentary. The wheel progresses clockwise starting at most scaled-back styles (Scandinavian and Minimalist) to the most ornate (Traditional).Emily Henderson the Style WheelHow to use Emily's style wheel to define your style!

  1. Perform a Google or Pinterest search for each of the styles on the style wheel to familiarize yourself with the various styles and determine which side of the wheel you sit on.
  2. Create a Pinterest board to pin all the styles that you’re most drawn to, be sure to include the name of the style when you pin them!
  3. Review your Pinterest board and note of which style appears the most, this will be your dominant style.
  4. If you have more than one style pinned, use the Style Wheel to check out its adjacent style to ensure it compliments your dominant style.
  5. Name your style (example, mine is Mid-century modern with a touch of rustic)! Naming your style serves as a filter and which makes the decision making process easier.

Twinkle light inspiration for a backyard oasis


Ep 9: Why floor planning is so important and a simple free tool that can help!