It's time for today's 10 pics from Paris, spoiler berets make an appearance!
Have I told you lately that I love Paris? I have, haven't I. Oddly, Dave and I have eaten Ramen three times already. I only recently realized I liked Ramen and now I'm addicted, and I've had the BEST Ramen I've EVER had here. So obviously that mean we should eat it like it was our job. We will be having it again too, cause the first place we had it was unreal.Anyhoo, check out these fancy pics from the last few days walks through Paris!
How could I not take a picture of this handsome fella?
This is in the Palais Royale, right outside our apartment, a ballerina was doing a photoshoot.
I dunno, just a beautiful composition.
Ok, this ornate ridiculousness is the Chateau Versailles, it was of course just too much of absolutely everything. I kinda dig the fabric being used everywhere for the tone on tone look though.
Yep, Dave and I embracing all things Paris. And by embracing all things Paris, I meant borrowing some berets from some girls to do this amazing photoshoot. :)
Daffy does Paris.