It's been a while since I did a round-up of my monthly favourites, I figure it's high-time I bring these back!July was a busy month of juggling various client projects, and pinning a few of my favourite home decor items while sourcing. Check these bad boys out...
1. Urban Outfitters - Apartment
I knew Urban Outfitters had a home decor line, but I only recently really checked it all out. I almost seemed like I needed to change this post to 'Why I love Urban Outfitters Apartment Line', when I realized a huge portion of my favourites were from here! They do ship most items to Canada, but sadly, they don't ship their furniture to Canada (sad face). Why oh why must these retailers hurt my heart the way they do? Check out some of my favourites from Urban Outfitters...
:: Quibe One Line Nude Art Print Starting from $19 USD ::
:: Gumball Floor Lamp
$159 now $129 ::
:: Grand Sienna Headboard $598 USD ::
:: Lali Printed Rug Starting from $59 USD ::
2. New Trend - Olive Trees and Branches
I posted this new trend on my Facebook page and it was a huge hit! It's absolutely beautiful, and a welcome change to the typical fig leaf tree trend we're seeing in magazines. But don't get it twisted, I'll still have lots of love for the fig leaf tree.
3. Amber Interiors
Ok, fine this is not a new favourite, but I am constantly inspired by everything she designs, I pinned this beautifully, simplistic entryway table from her portfolio. If you want to know more about Amber Interiors and her awesomeness click here.
4. Affordable knockoffs
If you're like me, than you can't afford the legit price that accompanies designer products like this lamp! I squealed when I found this knockoff for a fraction of the cost!High: Design Within Reach Low: Modern Furniture Knockoff
5. Leather chairs
Looks like I'm really loving leather chairs at the moment, because I pinned four of them in July! These are all insanely gorgeous and I just can't get enough of them.Beautiful white walls + any one of these chairs = sheer gorgeousness.1. Horne | 2. CB2 | 3. Anthropologie | 4. Urban OutfittersWhat do you think? Any of these suit your fancy? Are you loving anything in particular at the moment?