Consignment Furniture Toronto: Elle and Eve

Consignment Furniture Toronto - Elle and EveI had been Instagram stalking Elle and Eve for some time now. Needless-to-say, I was really excited when I finally had the chance to check them out in person. To say it didn't disappoint would be the understatement of the year. They legit had me at hello. Judy, who greeted me, made me feel so comfortable, plus I struck gold the moment I stepped in, and by gold I mean, a gold lamp! Not two feet from the door, I found the perfect lamp for the guest bedroom I've been working on for my in-laws, for only $60 (scroll down for image).Everywhere I looked I was in love, this place actually brought joy to my heart, who knew a consignment furniture store could do that?If you need a few more reasons to put Elle and Eve on your Toronto consignment furniture store hit-list (whoa, that sounds darker than I wanted it to), than keep reading.

This consignment furniture store has some seriously unique stuff!

While checking out the Elle and Eve website I stumbled upon their mission...Elle and Eve is committed to providing high value, quality merchandise and hand-selected items that ignite a passion for developing individual style.Colour me ignited, people! Check out some of the cool stuff I found on their Instagram below! It's amazeballs.

Consignment Furniture Toronto - Elle and Eve Vintage TypewritersConsignment Furniture Toronto - Elle and Eve Vintage MixerConsignment Furniture Toronto - Elle and Eve Vintage Dining SetConsignment Furniture Toronto - Elle and Eve Couch and Coffee Table

Elle and Eve is super affordable!

I bought a lamp (the base of the lamp is pictured in the title image, it was $13), a vintage lighter and ashtray, a vase, a couple of vintage books, a silver trimmed bowl, a pewter plate, and a steel bowl, for only $56.16.Can you even? I sure can't! How the heck did I pay so little?Well, it's simple (and kinda fun!), Elle and Eve will list the starting price for a period of time, then if it doesn't sell they lower the price. The longer an item stays on the shelf, the lower the price gets! Let's use my lamp as an example (see images below)'s listed for $60, but on April 18, if this little gem is still hanging around the price goes down to $48, etc. So, the question I'm asking myself is should I wait until April 18 to hope it's still around at the better price?Hell no! This lamp is not sticking around that long; I'm lucky if it'll still be there when I head back today. So please, keep your fingers crossed for me, I'll post an update later today.UPDATE: Success! I snagged the lamp today, I may have squealed when I walked up and saw it still there!Consignment Furniture Toronto - Elle and Eve Vintage Gold LampConsignment Furniture Toronto - Elle and Eve Vintage PricingConsignment Furniture Toronto - Elle and Eve Pretty DishConsignment Furniture Toronto - Elle and Eve Vintage metal Dish Consignment Furniture Toronto - Elle and Eve Vintage Lighter & Ashtray

Elle and Eve has Judy, the awesomest saleslady, ever!

Seriously, Judy was ah-may-zing. As I said earlier, she greeted me perfectly, and made me feel so comfortable. But my favourite thing was that she would celebrate and get excited right along with me when I found things I loved (which was often). It never felt fake; I loved her genuine, sincere personality. To me, the people working the stores are as important as what the store actually has to sell, shitty salespeople will have me walking right back out the door immediately. But Judy has me excited to go back, cause she helped make the experience even more enjoyable.Whether you're in Toronto or another city, I recommend finding a consignment furniture store where you can take advantage of unique, affordable finds. This is a great way to bring personality into your home.So tell me, have you hit up a consignment furniture store? Are there any that you love or plan on hitting up soon? I'd love to hear from you.

Consignment Furniture Toronto: Elle and Eve is located at 50 Samor Road, Toronto, ON


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