Home Decor: April Favourites
I hate that I haven't blogged for a couple of weeks. April has been a seriously hectic month, but also, super exciting.Why, you ask? (ok, fine, you probably didn't ask but I'm gonna tell you anyway.)I finally got my home photographed, and I couldn't be more excited to share it with you! Stay tuned for the reveal later this month, plus, I'll share behind the scene details on how it came together and some plans I have for the future. In the meantime, check out this months faves!I love, love, LOVE everything about this space. From how the light on the stairs gives it the illusion of a gradient to the stark contrast of browns and whites, and the textures are just perfect. #naileditThis light. Sometimes, it's just gotta be all about the light fixture. This light is all "Hey girl, check me out, not only do I light up this gorgeous space, but I look damn good doing it." You sure do light, you sure do. [Design by Amie Corley]Pretty. That's it, just real freaken' pretty. [Photo by Nina Choi, Design by Caroline Biggs]Title: Anthropologie | 1. Little Big Adventure | 2. H&M Home | 3. CB2 | 4. Ikea | 5. Dot & Bo | 6. West Elm | 7. West Elm | 8. Joss and Main | 9. Dot and Bo | 10. Urban Barn