Artist of the Day: Gordon Leverton


You know how OOTD (Outfit of the Day) is a thing? Well, it got me thinking about starting Artist of the Day, so I googled the hashtag, and apparently it exists (AOTD — Answer of the day, AOTD — Avatar of the Day, AOTD — Album of the Day, etc), so now I’m thinking I have to come up with something a bit different… #MBDAOTD, doesn’t have the same ring to it does it? I don’t know yet, if you got ideas let me know!

I was checking out the featured artists from Square Foot Show and while digging deeper into a few artists that I liked, I came across Gordon Leverton, he has a cool style which reminds me of an artist a client of mine had pinned for a project, so I dug deeper. And get this, he’s from Chatham, ON where I was born and attended high school!

I slid into Leverton’s DMs (as you do), and it turns out he’s actually from Thamesville, ON, which is my hometown! We compared notes on where we lived, in typical small town fashion (the house with the barns near the tracks, if you’re from a small town than you get it). It’s truly a small world isn’t it? We’re going connect to set up an Instagram Live in the near future to chat about his career, and of course, dig into some hometown gossip. ;)

Leverton now resides in Hamilton, ON. He’s currently represented by Canvas Gallery here in Toronto, ON as well as The Art Sales + Services Showroom in Hamilton, ON and Cloud Gallery in Orillia, ON.

Click thumbnail to see full image.

Gordon Leverton


Instagram: @hamiltonartist


Artist Spotlight: Mandie Anozie